Tag Archives: spiritual

One Easy Trick to Transform Your Life

Feeling stressed?  Can’t seem to stay on track with your diet?  Having a difficult time dealing with someone or something?

Sounds like you might benefit from mantras.

One of my favorite ways to set the tone for my day is to say a mantra.  A mantra can be a word, phrase, syllable, or sound that you say out loud, sing, or say mentally to yourself.  Today I’m talking about phrases, similar to affirmations, that steer you in the right direction.  They assist you in taking control of your life and making your dreams a reality.

Mantras can help you during tough times, keep you focused on a goal, help you deal with anxiety, motivate you, or boost your weight loss.  They’ll help you accomplish pretty much anything you want (intriguing and exciting, isn’t it?  Ooh the possibilities!).  Your subconscious mind will magically help you achieve your goals & keep your life moving in the path you choose.

I personally like to sit comfortably with my legs crossed and my hands on my knees, palms facing up (like the picture above).  I close my eyes and focus within.  It only takes a minute to set the tone for the day.

Some example phrases:

“Today I will be energized and stress free”

“I will have a fun, creative day”

“I look fantastic in my size 8 jeans” (focusing on what you want in the future, yet stating it like it’s true today).

“Everything happens in its own time”

“I’m a warrior-I can handle anything that comes my way”

Some tips for success:

Positive words only!  We’re trying to break those annoying self sabotaging thoughts that go round and round in our heads every day!

Repeat the mantra about 3 times.  Use your full attention, really focus on your words.

Don’t stress about picking your mantra.  Close your eyes, open your heart, and listen to what you need that day.

A quiet place is the best to practice.  The trick is to not be distracted by what’s going on around you.

If you forget to do your mantra in the morning, just stop and catch a peaceful minute during the day when you get the chance.  Sometimes mid-day is the best time to figure out what type of mantra you need.  You don’t have to sit in any particular way or place.  You can say your mantra where ever you are-your car, desk, waiting in line at the grocery store.

Need some inspiration?  Google it!  “Mantras for dieting”, “Mantras for Anxiety” and so on.

Remember-your thoughts are very powerful.  Why not have some fun and try to create the best you possible!

Now, go transform your life!

Hey-if you have a favorite mantra let me know in the comments!  Know someone who could benefit from this article?  Please share it!

See you next week!

Peace & Love,
